Birth of Baby Mercato

Hello fellow Mamas & Papas, here is a little bit about me and why I decided to start Baby Mercato. I am a Canadian mom, living abroad with my husband in Germany. I gave birth to 2 healthy boys and the journey of motherhood until now has been a learning curve! I have an Italian background, so family means everything to me, and being away from them during this period of my life can get very emotional at times. 
I realize now, how good I have it. Living in a country with the highest standards in the products they produce, especially for babies. So, a big part of me wants to extend that out into the world and help as many parents as I can when it comes to making European baby products available to consume for their children, laying a strong foundation for a healthy start in life.  
I am going to be your trusted source of baby milk, so your voice counts! If you are interested in any type of German baby formula, please contact me or drop a line.  I am in the beginning phases of this new and exciting venture, so I welcome your input.